Sunday, August 10, 2014


I once saw this word painted in big black block letters on the front wall of a classroom.  I never forgot it. 

Associated with thinking are a few common action words that, if used, could prevent a multitude of problems for people

Think.  Stop.  Pause.   Anticipate.  Plan.  Project.  Remember. Pray.  Visualize

Among the people who could greatly benefit by pausing to think first are they:

·        whose impetuosity or impulsiveness  gets them into trouble (who act first and regret later)
·        who act or speak before thinking
·        who habitually lose things
·        who do not calculate costs or underestimate costs in terms of money, effort or time
·        who do not consider the ramifications of how their actions/inaction will impact others
·         who overestimate their abilities or underestimate their inexperience
·         who do not allow for others’ actions
·         who do not consider associated ‘worst-case scenarios’ before acting
·         who do not allow for a safety margin, a cushion, a buffer

Conversely, a thinking person asks herself/himself:

·        Will my action help others?  Hurt others? Help myself? Hurt myself?
·        Do I really want to do this?  Why?
·        Is now the right time?
·        Can I afford this if something goes wrong?
·        Is this the best approach?  Have I considered other approaches?
·        Will my action(s) please the most important person in my life?
·        If I do/don’t do this what is likely to happen?
·        Is this a waste of my time/money/resources/strength/or image or reputation?
·        Is the hoped-for gain worth the cost?
·        Does this contribute or detract from my long-term goals?

A past President of the United States in an interview I heard said that having uninterrupted  time to think would have been something he would have most valued during his presidency.  I submit that most of us have a little more discretionary time than the president, but do we use it to think through probable outcomes before acting?  Maybe we should. 

“Behold, you have not understood; you have supposed that I would give it unto you, when you took no thought save it was to ask me.”  (Doctrine and Covenants 9:7)

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