Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Second Worst News

I was (and am) greatly dismayed to learn of yesterday’s 5-4 Supreme Court Decision to interpret the Constitution of the United States of America to allow that same-gender marriage be recognized as a fundamental ‘right’ and consequently, in application, the law of the land.  The pillars are being cut out from under us.  And yet I am not surprised.

I applaud the courageous and principled dissenting four: Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Scalia, Thomas, and Alito.

The worst news of a national social nature that I heard in my lifetime was the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision of 1973 permitting elective abortions.  In this infamous decision the convenience of the mother (as a consequence of an immoral and/or shortsighted act in almost every case) was bequeathed the ‘right’ to prevail over the defenseless murder of the unborn child she was carrying.  Since then millions of ‘legal’ murders have been carried out.

In that terribly immoral court decision I applaud the courageous dissenting decisions of justices White and Rehnquist. 

The crux in both the 1973 and the 2015 court decisions was the prevailing attitude that wishes trump morality—even the sanctity of life or the sanctity of the historicity of the institution that provides for, promotes and protects life.  It is that in this decision, these ‘L, G (and I guess B, T, and Q’) people have a ‘right’ to marry and that their behavior somehow deserves ‘dignity,’ in Justice Kennedy’s words. And that there exists a ‘right,’ based on the same specious grounds, for the woman to abort a fetus as in the 1973 opinion.

This decision also has the potential to compromise—in the arrogance of the prevailing five justices’ minds—even the 1st Amendment to the Constitution. I am sure that people with religious scruples will be further and greatly challenged in future months and years their historical positions by the godless in their insolence. 
Huge battles loom as this decision will further polarize a nation that is becoming less and less ‘united.’  How can people not see this?

How can the Supreme Court, who Americans socially invest with an assumption that these nine people represent the wisest among us, be so shortsighted as to not see what is being done to this erstwhile “. . .one nation under God. . .” in the interest of “liberty. . . for all.”  Shall we also protect and invest with statutory ‘dignity’ even marriages of women or men to animals—or to children or children to children?  Or conjure up even more ‘rights’ to convicted criminals in their incarceration?

It is not as absurd as it sounds.  Didn’t the absurd and outrageous score a victory today in the war on the souls of men?  Prepare to be sickened by the celebrations of ‘gay pride’ that are now going on and look carefully at the opposition you will see celebrating in the streets.  The war will continue.

Yes, I am sick over this and embarrassed beyond words at our country’s leaders. 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Beware of the Glib

Many people are aware of the real meaning of the title of this essay which is, ‘Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing.’  This is good advice.  It means, of course, that many of the glib wear the sheep’s clothing of rhetoric.
Why the warning?  It is because people in general are swayed and taken in by those who project confidence—who ‘talk big,’ who promise much—but, sadly, don’t deliver.  They are typically a lot of smoke or wind without much fire.  Confidence is not a bad thing, but the glib are ‘sound without substance.’  Or, if they do deliver, it comes at the expense of the gullible who were initially taken in.  Deception is the problem; they are ‘Masters of Deceit.’  Dishonesty is the root.  And pain or disaster for the governed is the result.

Charlatan’s, hypocrites and cheats seem to abound in certain professions and at certain times of the year—say, approaching a political election.  And they seem to use the same approaches to gaining the confidence in the unwary:  flattery, self-promotion, vain words, soaring oratory, accusations of others’, makers of promises they cannot keep or have no intention of keeping once ensconced. Interestingly, the promises are often made with a smile.
What is their motive?

Power, position, prestige, and gain.  For themselves.
Yes, we need leadership.  All enterprises do: homes, communities, nations, businesses, churches, and service providers such as police and military.  But just beware of who we consent to be our leaders.  Look carefully at their values and character, and their methods of how they try to get their position of power or influence.  Look at what they are trying to gain—for themselves.  Look at what we have to lose if they get their wishes which often have nothing to do with the needs of their constituents.   Look at history and look at the biographies of those who were our greatest leaders and compare these luminaries with those who were (and are) sound without substance—or worse.
What is my criteria for support for a candidate?  Humility, honesty, a proven (older person) or promising (younger person)  track record,  a strong work ethic,  personal modesty, one who keeps his or her commitments and one who gives credit to others’ who helped them along the way. They need not be flashy; they must not be glib.

If a candidate comes along whose platform is what “I can do for you,” beware.  They will always use ‘I’ and ‘my’ more than ‘we’ or ‘us’ in their language.  

If a ‘leader’ who is really a despot in disguise comes to power, the people will mourn: “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” (Proverbs 29:2)

The glib (Gooey Liars Imbedded in Baloney) give themselves away.  Don’t be the gullible who let them get their way.