I have lagged somewhat in my determination to write two weblog essays per week, for the last week or so, because of my fascination with the news of what is happening in the Islamic world and even in our own nation as people are exercising the power of their voice. Also capturing my attention has been what is happening in the world of Nature with earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, and a severe winter. Mankind has always had challenges of every kind and we are now witnessing them with seemingly increased frequency and intensity: protracted economic disequilibrium; seismic upheavals; and major political unrest.
I don’t know what we can do about the challenges of Nature except be as prepared as possible for emergencies. It isn’t that most of us don’t know how to prepare, it’s just that we too often don’t prepare—I guess we just don’t think it will come to our doorstep. I am convinced that it will—that we are witnessing just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. My old Boy Scout training comes to the fore: BE PREPARED! To twist a cinematographic metaphor, ‘It is building; it will come.’
We are also witnessing a geopolitical tipping point that could lead to major changes in the world order—or more disorder, depending upon the leadership that arises. Great changes could occur, or even more frustration, disenchantment, and human misery.
History teaches us that political government seems to oscillate between various degrees of tyranny and anarchy. Tyranny, the way of the despot or strongman, will eventually and inevitably be challenged by those who will sacrifice all for freedom and the hope for a better way of life. The process of the challenge often takes the form of revolt, mob uprisings and protests, that either depose the current regime or fail and have even more misery imposed upon them from the top. Even if the revolution is successful, the chance of a new tyrant is very possible. With either tyranny or anarchy, the individual loses control over the direction of his own life; at least the brave and noble have put up the good fight. But it doesn’t end with the fight. A rebuilding must occur—and it better be built upon a sound foundation.
What freedom fighters need to know is that individual freedom and social order and prosperity do not automatically go hand-in-hand. Every young adult is brought up short with that reality. The wise will look to the past—what has worked, what made a successful government good, what eroded it if it fell, what were the moral and philosophical underpinnings, what was its organization and structure, what was required of the people themselves.
The discontented need more than a hope or even a voice—they need a vision.
We all do.
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