•One thing leads to another. Ask, “Where could this take me?” “Do I want to go there?”
•Never, Never, Never forget who you are, what and whom you represent and what you ultimately want to achieve. ‘What ere thou art, act well thy part.’ Don’t get derailed.
•Measure all things by value anticipated or received. Ask, “Is it worth it?” Count the cost.
•Live the golden rule. Strive for charity in all interactions. Be patient. Be kind.
•When someone is speaking to you focus totally on what they are trying to tell you.
•Be grateful to all who have contributed to your life. Express it. You didn’t get here alone.
•Always leave and maintain a margin of safety, a reserve, a cushion, a spare, a surplus. Don’t overdraw your accounts—financial or emotional—or take anything to the limit.
•Walk away from trouble if you can; and you usually can. But don’t compromise yourself.
•It is better to keep peace than to insist that you are right. To win a battle by force of power or position then to lose the war is folly.
•Seek counsel from the wise; especially from the scriptures and Church leaders.
•Don’t say the first thing that comes to your mind. Weigh your words then choose carefully what you say. ‘Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can break my heart.’
•Keep a record or a copy of everything; record it, date it, document it, file it.
•Never take more than you give; always give back more than you take. No entitlements.
•Don’t be tempted to put off to later duties you are prompted to do and have opportunity to do today. Work while you can and work hard; it takes the same amount of time.
•Do not ask, or expect, someone else to do for you what you can, and should do for yourself. Don’t be lazy.
•Never despair. Don’t quit. With God’s help and approval you can get through anything.
•Avoid debt like a plague. Having sufficient for your needs with a sufficient reserve is enough and will be enough, ‘but before ye seek for riches, seek for the kingdom of God.’
•Maintain your health and physical fitness. Pay the price, or you will pay the price.
•Do everything in your power to see that your wife and family or friend is exalted.
•Never lose sight of the big picture, the long view, the ultimate goal. Think of it often.
•A cheerful attitude and a smile is worth more than many words. Don’t talk big; live big.
•Don’t make big decisions on the spur of the moment. Think it through.Wait at least a day.
•Politeness and punctuality pay plentifully. Be on time and be prepared.
•Pray about everything. Heed your conscience; that is God’s answer to your prayer.
•Believe that “angels above are silent notes taking….” Behave accordingly.
•A commitment is a commitment; fulfill it at any cost. Keep promises.
•Seek out great people in history, in literature, in life, and emulate their finest qualities.
•If you know it is not good or right don’t investigate it; don’t entertain it; don’t touch it; don’t even go near it.
•It always takes more time than you originally guessed; it always costs more than you originally thought. Plan accordingly.
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