Friday, June 25, 2010


Since I started my second posting with some ‘up front’ admissions I will give you a few more. If you choose to be a reader of further offerings of my mind-flights you should know that I love and respect good language well-expressed.

But some things grate on my ear—such as the word ‘grate.’ Another word that ‘grates’ is the word ‘blog.’ The only time you will ever read the word ‘blog’ in a posting on Omnium Gatherum will be this one time. I simply don’t like the word; it sounds like something the cat left on the rug after a hard night out. It is not a piece of miscellany that I care to gather (omnium-gatherum, n., a miscellaneous collection or gathering of all). Neither will you read the word ‘like’ except as I used it in the previous, but not the following sentence. So, ‘like’ I’m sorry girls, ‘weblog’ will be as close as I’ll get to the current usage by ‘like’ those under 30.
The most substantial encouragement I will give today is to use the dictionary with regularity. Some of you do, and I give kudos to those who looked up the title of my weblog on their first reading.

Perhaps these admissions point to some eccentricities which my children know well, and will become readily apparent for those who persist and become a regular reader of these offerings. I know I am provoking some of you, but that’s one good way for me to be appropriately provocative. Much of my learning has come because I was provoked. That, my children also know. Thanks, kids. Enough said.

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